Dr. Mayank Patel
Designation: Assistant Professor
Academic Area: Computer Science
Brief Profile:
Mayank Patel is a Ph.D. Scholar & member of Distributed Databases Research Group at DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, India. He has completed his M.Tech from Gujarat University. His research interests include Distributed Databases, Raw Data Processing, Query Optimization, and Resource Optimization.
- Ph.D. Research Topic: Resource Utilization for Raw Data Query Processing, 2023, DA-IICT.
- M.Tech. in Web Technologies, 2014, Gujarat University.
- B.E. in Computer Engineering, 2011, S. P. B. Patel Engineering College
- 1.5 Years of experience in the industry building website and softwares for national & international clients.
- 7+ Year, worked as a member of Distributed Databases Research Group and Teaching Assistant at DA-IICT.
- IEEE Member since 2018
- Best Paper Award – FTNCT, 2021.
- Travel Grant – CCGrid, 2023.
- Travel Grant – R10-HTC, 2022.
- Travel Grant – COMSNETS, 2019.
- Raw Data Query Processing,
- Distributed Databases,
- Resource Monitoring,
- Optimizing Required Resources,
- Maximizing Utilization of Existing Resources.
- Resource Utilization for Raw Data Query Processing: Optimizing Required Resources & Maximizing Utilization of Existing Resources
Book Chapters
- M. Patel, N. Yadav, and M. Bhise, “Workload aware Cost-based Partial loading of Raw data for Limited Storage Resources,” Futuristic Trends in Networks and Computing Technologies, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 936, (Chapter 74), Springer Nature, 2022, doi:10.1007/978-981-19-5037-7_74.
Journal Papers
- M. Patel and M. Bhise, “RAW-HF: Resource Availability & Workload aware Hybrid Framework for Raw Data Query Processing”, 2023. [In preparation]
- M. Patel and M. Bhise, “Resource Utilization for Raw Data Query Processing: A Survey”, Cluster Computing, Springer, 2023. [Under Review]
- IV. M. Patel and M. Bhise, “Resource Monitoring Framework for Big Raw Data Processing,” International Journal of Big Data Intelligence, volume 9(1), Inderscience, 2023. (In Press)
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
- V. M. Patel and M. Bhise, “MUAR: Maximizing Utilization of Available Resources for Query Processing“, 2023. [Core 2021, Ranking A, Accepted]
- M. Patel and M. Bhise, “Query Complexity Based Optimal Processing of Raw Data,” 10th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), IEEE, 2022, doi: 10.1109/R10-HTC54060.2022.9929945.
- M. Patel and M. Bhise, “Raw Data Processing Framework for IoT,” 11th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS), IEEE, 2019.
- U. Vyas, P. Panchal, M. Patel, and M. Bhise, “STSDB: Spatio-Temporal Sensor Database for Smart City Query Processing,” In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2019.