Dr. Diya Vadhwani
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualifications: PhD, M.Tech, B.E
Academic Area: Machine Learning, Data Science, AI and Deep Learning, Networking
Brief Profile:
Diya Vadhwani is associated as Assistant Professor in Computer Science & Engineering department at Adani University, Ahmadabad. Her expertise is in Machine Learning, AI, Data science, Deep Learning and Networking. She has over 9 years of experience in academic and research.
Prior to joining us, she worked as Assistant Professor at New LJ Institute Engineering & Technology. She has published several papers in various reputed International Journals and Conferences like IEEE, Springer & Taylors & Fransis etc. She has contributed numerous book chapters with many publishers like Springer, Taylor & Francis Group, etc. She served as a reviewer for numerous journals and national/international conferences. She is an active member of various professional bodies like IEEE & ACM. She has attended various GUJCOST and Atal AICTE sponsored Workshop, STTP’s FDP’s. She has organized various workshop and seminar on IOT, ML and Latex.
- PhD Computer Engineering
- MTech Computer Science & Engineering
- B.E Computer Engineering
- 9 Years
- M.Tech Topper institute level
- Cisco Certified for CCNA Routing and Switching
- MASTER Trainer in “BOSCH Industrial Automation Training”
- Received “India Innovation Challenge Design Contest-2018” award by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Texas Instruments in 2018.
- Received “India Innovation Challenge Design Contest-2018” award by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Texas Instruments in 2019.
- Received Grant by Gujcost for Project “Beltroid Data TransferSystem”
- Machine Learning, AI, Data science, Deep Learning and Networking.
Journal Publications
- Diya Naresh Vadhwani, Deepak Kulhare, “TRAFFIC ANALYSIS OF DSR, AODV AND OLSR USING TCP AND UDP”, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN : 0975- 3397 Vol. 5 No. 04 Apr 2013 221- 225, 2013
- Diya Naresh Vadhwani, Deepak Kulhare,Megha Singh, “BEHAVIOURANALYSIS OF DSR MANET PROTOCOL WITH HTTP TRAFFIC USING OPNET SIMULATOR” , International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 1, Issue 3, May 2013
- Diya Naresh Vadhwani, Megha Singh, Deepak Kulhare, “Delay Optimization and Analysis of Various Performance Metrics for DSR Protocol Using OPNET 14.5,” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013 ISSN: 2277 128X, pp.357-362,2013
- Diya Naresh Vadhwani, Megha Singh,Deepak Kulhare, “Implementation of EN-DSR for analysis ofperformance matrices with original DSR” International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) Volume 2, Issue 4, July – August 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
- Diya Naresh Vadhwani, Megha Singh, “Simulation of wireless dynamic source routing protocol with IP traffic flow analysis, memory efficiency”International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), Volume 2, Issue 5, OCT-NOV 2013
- Diya Vadhwani & Devendra Thakor ” Prediction of extent of damage in vehicle during crash using improved XGBoost model Published in International Journal of Crashworthiness. (Taylors & Francis Scopus Index Journal) DOI: 10.1080/13588265.2022.2075101.
- Diya Vadhwani & Devendra Thakor ” Predictive analysis of injury severity of person across angle crashes using machine learning models Published in International Journal of Crashworthiness. (Taylors & Francis Scopus Index Journal) DOI: 10.1080/13588265.2022.2109772.
- Diya Vadhwani & Devendra Thakor ” An Improved XGBoost Model to Predict the Injury Severity of Person in Road Crash”, International Journal of Crashworthiness. (Taylors & Francis Scopus Index Journal) (Paper Accepted)
- Diya Vadhwani & Devendra Thakor ” Prediction of Injury Severity using XGBoost for Classification and Random Forest for Features SelectionInternational Journal of Crashworthiness. (Taylors & Francis Scopus Index Journal) (Under Review)
- Diya Vadhwani & Devendra Thakor ” Using Bayesian Optimization to Improve the Performance of XGBoost in Prediction of Injury Severity of Person in Crash”. Transportation Research: Part C (Elsevier: Scopus Index Journal) (Under Review)
International Conference Paper Presented & Published
- Vadhwani, Diya Naresh, Megha Singh, and Deepak Kulhare. “Enhanced DSR with optimized throughput using opnet simulator.” In 2013 Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE), pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2013. 78-1-4673-1719-1/12/$31.00©2013IEEE
- Vadhwani Diya Naresh, “Review on Object Tracking Sensor Network with Data Mining Algorithms”, IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing & its Engineering Application, Dec 1,2, 2017 (CHARUSAT, CHANGA)
- Vadhwani Diya Naresh and Sanjay Buch. “A Novel Approach for the ITS Application to Prevent Accidents using Wireless Sensor Network, IoT and VANET.” In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT), pp. 1-7. IEEE, 2019.
- Vadhwani, Diya and Devendra Thakor. “Statistical analysis of vehicle detection in the ITS application for monitoring the traffic and road accident using internet of things.” In Advances in VLSI and Embedded Systems, pp. 55-70. Springer, Singapore, 2020.
- Vadhwani, Diya and Devendra Thakor. “Comparative Analysis of Statistical Methods for Vehicle Detection in the Application of ITS for-Monitoring Traffic and Road Accidents Using IoT.” In Data Science and Intelligent Applications, pp. 355-361. Springer, Singapore, 2021.
Book Title: Data Science and Intelligent Applications DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-4474-3. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies
Series Volume: 52 Publisher: Springer Singapore.
- Vadhwani Diya, and Devendra Thakor. “Analysis of the Statistical Methods for Vehicle Detection in the Accident-Avoidance System An Application of ITS.” 4th International Conference on “Futuristic Trends in Networks and Computing Technologies (FTNCT 2021)”DECEMBER 10-11, 2021. Organized by Nirma University and Published as Book Chapter in Futuristic Trends in Networks and Computing Technologies eBook ISBN 978-981-19-5037-7, Springer Singapore, 2022. 105-124 DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-5037-7-8
Book Chapter Published
- Diya Vadhwani, Devendra Thakor, Darshana Patel, “A novel approach for vehicle detection to avoid accidents in the construction area”, Intelligent Green Communication Network for Internet of Things(Taylors and Fransis-Ebook)
Edition: : 1st Edition
First Published : 2023
eBook Published : 29 May 2023
Pub. Location : Boca Raton
Imprint : CRC Press
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003371526
DOI-Chapter : 10.1201/9781003371526-14
Pages : 266
eBook ISBN : 9781003371526
Subjects : Computer Science, Engineering & Technology
- Machine Learning
- AI
- Data Science
- IoT
- Networking
- STTP on “Wireless Sensor Networks” at BVM Vallabh Vidyanagar (19/12/2016 to 24/12/16) (TEQIP Sponsored)
- STTP on Interfacing with Arduino, “Internet of Things” at Charusat Changa (12/6/17 to 17/6/17)
- MASTER Trainer in “BOSCH Industrial Automation Training” at CGPIT
- STTP “Internet of Things – Micropython Rasberry Pi” at CGPIT
- STTP “A Step Towards Contribution to Sustainable Skill to Empowering Youth in Large Scale Networks using Network Simulators NS3 and NetSim” from 25th November to 30th November 2019. Organized By V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujarat.
- Six days online STTP on “Practical Approach for Data Science”, SSIP, by RNGPIT, Bardoli (22-6-2020 to 27-6-2020)
- Gujcost Sponsored STTP on “Research Trends in Data Analytics using Python” Organized By: V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot (15/11/21 to 20/11/21).
- One-week GUJCOST Sponsored National STTP on “Latest trends in Remote Sensing & GIS, 25/7/22 to 29/7/22, By V.V.P Engineering College Rajkot.
- GUJCOST STTP on “Blockchain Technology and Its Applications” from 1/11/22 to 5/11/22 (UTU Maliba).
FDP (Faculty Development Program
- Faculty Development program at CGPIT (Phase -I) (10/4/2017 to 24/4/17)
- CISCO Certified, Module-1 (CCNA Routing and Switching: Introduction to Networks)
- 5 days e-Faculty Development Program on “Skilling Teachers for Online Education” (2-6-2020 to 6-6-2020) organized by UKA TARSADIA UNIVERSITY.
- FDP Online: 5-day FDP-SI UHV Online – “AICTE Incorporating Universal Human Values in Education (An AICTE Initiative)”. (7/6/2021 to 11/6/2021)
- One Week ATAL FDP on “Advance Statistical & Machine Learning Models (ASMLM-2021)” from 15/12/21 to 19/12/21 by Indian Institute of Information Technology Ranchi.
- Faculty Development Program on Ways to make Students Industry Ready
held on 19-Jul-2022 at VVP Campus by TCS.
Two Weeks ATAL FDP on “Cyber Security and Digital Forensics” by RK University Rajkot from 14/11/22 to 25/11/22
- Workshop “Patent Search Methodology”
- IEEE Workshop on “Soft computing and Image Processing” at SCET Surat
- Workshop on “IOT “at CGPIT (28/1/2016)
- Workshop on “Fundamentals of cloud Computing” at CGPIT (ISTE chapter) (3/3/17 to 4/3/17)
- Organized workshop at CGPIT on “Internet of Things” (22/9/17 & 23/9/17)
- Workshop on “Robotics & Embedded System” organized by SCET & IIT Bombay, MHRD- eYantra (17/11/17 & 18/11/17)
- Workshop on ” “Recent Trends in Data Science” in association with IEEE Signal Processing Society, Gujarat Section on 10th -11th May 2018.
- Workshop on “Modeling with Simulink & creating Graphical User Interface (GUI’s) in Matlab in the Third IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (IEEE ICECCT 2019) at SVS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India during 20-22 February 2019.
- Organized Workshop on LateX at VVP engineering college Rajkot (9/12/2022)
- 06 days GUJCOST sponsored Workshop on “AWS – Machine Learning”
held during 30th January to 4th February 2023, organized by CSPIT, CHARUSAT, In collaboration with ACM and Data Science Club, CHARUSAT
- State level seminar on “Emerging trends and research directions in the domain of computer engineering and IT” at SPCE Visnagar.
- -National Seminar on New Trends in Signal Processing (NeTSiP-2016) IEEE (SVNIT/SCET) (20/10/16 & 21/10/16)
- One day Seminar on “I am Teacher”
- Ikigai Quest 2020 webinar on 13-6-2020
- Webinar on “AI and its Role in the Digital Economy Going Forward” (27th June 2020)
- Webinar on “Building Machine Learning Applications”, SSIP on 29-06-2020 by RNGPIT, Bardoli.
- GUJCOST sponsored National Seminar on “Road-map to Write Technical Research Paper” (3rd May-2021). (RNGPIT, Bardoli)
- 3-Days: GUJCOST Sponsored Summer Camp on Intellectual Property Rights (28th – 30th May 2021).
- Webinar on “PROJECT DEVELOPMENT USING ANDROID” organized by CSI Chapter – 1 Rajkot on 9th July 2022.
Expert Talk/Lecture
- Spirituality by Pramod at UTU Bardoli (22-7-16)
- Creating and delivering killer presentation” by Parth Joshi at UTU Bardoli (12-9-16)
- PATENT by kirti patel at UTU Bardoli (6-8-16)
- Guidelines for research work methodology” by Mukesh Javeri, (20-8-16)
- Computer Network by Dr. Ritesh Patel charusat (12-8-16)
- Wireless network by H.D Patil (NMU) (12-10-16)
- NP completeness by Mayuri Mehta at UTU bardoli (3-12-16)
- Delivered talk on “Internet of things” (July-2017) for teaching staff.
- Delivered expert session in STTP on Networking at CGPIT (June-2018)
- Expert Session on: “Data Science and Big Data: From Introduction to Applications” (12 June 2021)