Dr. Alok Kumar Singh
Designation: Incharge HOD and Assistant Professor
Qualifications: Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering), M.Tech (Power Electronics), B.Tech (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
Academic Area: Electrical Engineering, I am taking care of first year subject, Basic Electrical Engineering and in higher semester, I am taking care of Electric Circuit, Power Electronics, Electric Drives, Design of AC Machine, and Renewable Energy. I have designed and developed Basic Electrical Engineering and Robotics labs at my institute. I have also developed two new experiments in Basic Electrical Engineering Lab.
Brief Profile:
Dr Alok Kumar Singh,currently working as an Assistant Professor and in charge Head of Electrical Engineering Department at Adani University. Before that, he worked as an Assistant Professor at Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering (AIIE), Anand Engineering College (AEC) Agra, and as Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in Electrical engineering department of Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad (Prayagraj).
His expertise area of Power Electronics, Electrical machines, Electrical Drives, EV and their renewable energy source applications, and industry 4.0 technology like Robotics, Drone technology etc. He has experience over 9 years in academics and research. His research interests include power electronics, multilevel and dc-dc converters for renewable energy source applications, industry 4.0 technology like Robotics, Drone technology etc. He is a regular reviewer for many reputed Elsevier Journals and IEEE conferences.
He has trained newly joined GET’s of different verticals of Adani group (Adani green, Adani infra, Adani petrochemicals, Adani transmission, etc,). With this continuous engagement and constant touch with industry people for taking various joint initiatives, he organized 5 Faculty Development and 55 Approx Student Training program and trained about 7500 students {23 Entrepreneurship Awareness Programs, 3 Boot-Camps, 20 Technical Workshops (Robotics & AR-VR), 5 Innovation Masterclass Webinars Series, 4 National & State Level Competitions (Techvriddhi’18, Hackathons, eYIC2019-20)}
Professor Alok Kumar Singh has received the B.Tech. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from the Uttar Pradesh Technical University Lucknow, India, in 2009, the M.Tech. degree in Power electronics and ASIC Design from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India, in 2012. He was working as a project staff in SERB (DST) project on solar PV systems.
Professor Singh is affiliated with many prestigious societies. He has many feathers in his hat. He has been honoured and awarded by various eminent organizations
- PhD from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India in Electrical Engineering (Solar PV System using Cascaded Multilevel Inverter for Standalone and Grid Connected Applications), in 2018.
- Postgraduate from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India in Electrical Engineering (Power Electronics and ASIC Design), in 2012.
- Graduate from College of Engineering Science & Technology, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Uttar Pradesh, India in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2009.
- Currently working as a Head of Department Electrical Engineering Department in Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering (AIIE), Ahmedabad since 4 October 2022.
- Worked as an Assistant Professor in Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering (AIIE), Ahmedabad since July 2017.
- Worked as an Assistant Professor in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Anand Engineering College (AEC) Agra during July 2012 to February 2013.
- Worked as Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in Electrical engineering department of Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad (Prayagraj) during February 2013 to April 2016 in GOI funded SERB Project.
- In total, Academic and research experience till now is 10 years.
- Member of IEEE (92610740) from March 2013 onward and different IEEE societies and councils (IEEE Industrial Electronics Society from March 2013 to 2015
- IEEE Young Professionals, Smart Grid Community, IEEE from March 2015 onward, etc…)
- Received Certificate of Honour from as a Jury Member in Gyaan Galaxy National Science Fair 2021 by Mr. Pranav Adani (MD Agro, Oil & Gas).
- Received Certificate of Appreciation from Student Start-up and Innovation Policy (SSIP) and Gujarat Knowledge Society, Government of Gujarat as a Hackathon Jury Member in Gujarat Industrial Hackathon 2019 at IITRAM Ahmedabad by Ms. Anju Sharma (Principal Secretary, Education).
- Received Certificate of Appreciation from Student Start-up and Innovation Policy (SSIP) and Gujarat Knowledge Society, Government of Gujarat as a Hackathon Jury Member in Grand Final of Gujarat Industrial Hackathon 2019 at PDPU Gandhinagar by Ms. Anju Sharma (Principal Secretary, Education).
- Received Letter of Appreciation from Prof. Kavi Arya, Principal Investigator (e-Yantra) & Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay for successfully organising the regional final of e-Yantra Ideas Competition (eYIC 2019-20) at AIIE during 3rd-4th March 2020.
- Received Letter of Appreciation from Mr. Dinesh Mantri, Vice-President at Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS) for continuous engagement in live projects of ADTPS.
Received Cash Prize and an acknowledgement of “Most Proactive Team of TBT-2018” from e-Yantra IIT Bombay to completing the all six tasks (given by e-Yantra IIT Bombay) in record break time (within 9 weeks). To recognize this Exemplary Achievement, e-Yantra IIT Bombay have posted the information of AIIE Faculty Team on web portal of e-Yantra IIT Bombay.
Received SSIP Prashansa Award 2020 in the category of the Best Performing SSIP (Students Innovation) Institute of Gujarat State. This award was announced by Ms. Anju Sharma (Principal Secretary, Education) in the presence of Mr. Bhupendrasinh Chudasama (Education Minister, Gujarat) & Mr. Prakash Javadekar (Union Cabinet Minister). Received Certificate of Appreciation from MHRD Innovation Cell, Government of India for actively supporting in Smart India Hackathon-2019 & 2020.
Under Mentorship - Young Startup (PaintRobs) of AIIE students has received the State Level Award in the category of Idea to Impact from GTU Innovation Sankul Award 2021.
- Mit Patel, was awarded the prestigious Shri Dewang Mehta IT Award for his startup Punee Technocare and its Smart Energy Meter product.
- Received First-Prize at Techvriddhi-2018, a National-Level Championship at IIT-Kharagpur campus.
- Fourteen (14) students of AIIH received the State Level Award in the category of Innovative Students’ Co-creation Award for Leadership and Excellence (i-SCALE) from GTU Innovation Sankul Award 2020.
- ROBOCON-2019-20 runner-up winners.
- Power electronics
- Multilevel Inverter and DC-DC converters for renewable energy source applications
- Electric vehicle and Battery management.
- Industry 4.0 technology (Robotics, Drone technology etc).
- Digital control of power electronic converters for Renewable power Application.
- Battery management and Electric vehicle.
- FPGAs switching techniques of dc–dc, and dc–ac converters.
- Robotics.
- Automatic Spray-Painting Robot for Road Markings”,(Application no. 202121003480), Field date 26 January 2021, Publication date 23/04/2021.
- Alok Kumar Singh, Rahul Sharma, and Rajesh Gupta, “Symmetrical DC-link Capacitor Voltage for Multi Solar PV Array fed CHBMLI in Standalone Application,” IETE Journal of Research, 2020. (SCI) (Impact Factor 2.333)
- Alok Kumar Singh and Rajesh Gupta, “Converter Configurations for Battery Management and Power Control in Standalone Solar PV fed Cascaded Multilevel Inverter,” Journal of Electrical Systems, vol.18, issue 2, p.p. 391-405, 2022 (SCIMAGO/SCOPUS). (Impact Factor 1.564)
Book Chapters:
- Alok Kumar Singh “Switching of Solar PV Fed Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter from Grid Connected to Islanding Mode and Its Control” Book Chapter Springer Nature Computing Algorithms with Applications in Engineering (ICCAEEE 2019) ISSN: 2524-7565 & ISBN: 978-981-15-2369-4, pp. 87-96, March 2020.
- Siddhi Vinayak Pandey, Shriharshini Ganapuram and Alok Kumar Singh “A Review on Advancements in Photovoltaic Cells” Springer Nature Advances in Interdisciplinary Engineering (FLAME 2020) ISBN: 978-981-15-9956-9, pp. 227-236, April 2021.
- Siddhi Vinayak Pandey, Shriharshini Ganapuram, Pankti Raval, Aditya Gajjar, Alok Kumar Singh and Jignesh Thaker “A Review on Electrical and Mechanical technologies used in spray Painting Robots” Springer Nature Advances in Interdisciplinary Engineering (FLAME 2020) ISBN: 978-981-15-9956-9, pp. 539-546, April 2021.
- Dhvanit Bhavsar, Shubham Bhatt, Siddhi Vinayak Pandey, and Alok Kumar Singh “Design of Control Circuit for Mitigation of Shadow Effect in Solar Photovoltaic System” Wiley RF Circuits For 5G Applications. (Accepted).
Conference Paper:
- Alok Kumar Singh and R. K. Tripathi, “MPPT scheme for small/large time partially shaded condition of a PV cell, array,” IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES-2012), MNNIT Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, pp. 1-4, March 16-18, 2012.
- S Rajasekar, Rajesh Gupta and Alok Kumar Singh “Grid Connected Cascaded Multilevel Inverter for Photovoltaic Application,” in International Conference on Energy Efficient LED Lightening and Solar Photovoltaic System (ELED&SPV-2014), Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, pp. 35-38, 27-29th March 2014.
- Alok Kumar Singh and Rajesh Gupta, “Transformer-less Inverter Design for Solar PV System Application”, in Solar Energy Society of India (SESI) Sponsored International Congress on Renewable Energy (ICORE-2014), Manekshaw Centre, New Delhi, India, pp. 195-201, December 08-09,2014.
- P.Chinna D. Goud, Alok Kumar Singh, Rajesh Gupta and Paulson Samuel, “GMPPT of Solar PV Array under Partial Shading Condition using LabView FPGA“, 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE on Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2015), Yokohama, Japan, pp. 003411-003416, Nov 9-12, 2015.
- P. Venkata Krishna, Alok Kumar Singh and Rajesh Gupta, “Grid Connected Solar PV fed Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Implementation using XSG Platform”, 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE on Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2015), Yokohama, Japan, pp. 004678-004683, Nov 9-12, 2015.
- A. K. Singh and R. Gupta, “Accurate Analysis of Solar PV Module,” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, pp. 467-471, Sept. 28-29, 2018.
- Shah, Soham; Pandey, Siddhi Vinayak; Sorathiya, Archit; Sheth, Raj; Singh, Alok Kumar and Thaker, Jignesh, “Embedded Systems and Computer Vision Techniques utilized in Spray Painting Robots: A Review”, arXiv, Cornell University Library, Oct. 2020.
- Alok Kumar Singh and Rajesh Gupta, “Integrated Battery Management Configurations for Standalone Solar PV fed CHBMLI”, in IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2020), MNIT Jaipur, India, pp. 1-5, Dec 16-19, 2020.
Article in Magazine:
- “Solar PV System Focus on Scenario of Uttar Pradesh”, Electrical India magazine
- Working on five industrial projects of Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS):
- Raw Water Cleaning System at C.W. Pump Unit
- Chimney Painting using Robot
- Removal of Algae or Weed Formation in Raw Water Sump
- Ash (in slurry form) Handling System
- AR/VR Projects on Design of Coal-Mill, Transformer, and many more.
- IIT Bombay, e-Yantra Lab Setup Initiative (eLSI): Organised Two-Day Technical Workshop on “Introduction to Robotics” for faculty at Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering during 1st-2nd February 2019. Faculty of 14 different institute have actively participated and learnt about the robotics from trained faculty team of e-Yantra IIT Bombay. This student development programme was funded by MHRD Government of India.
- Organised Principal’s meet Entrepreneur Awareness Program with e-Yantra IIT Bombay, at Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering on 19-12-2019. This programme was funded by e-yantra IIT Bombay. Under MHRD Government of India.
- IIT Bombay, e-Yantra Lab Setup Initiative (eLSI): Organised Two Day Workshop on “Introduction to Robotics” at Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering (Faculty Development Program) on 21-12-2019 to 22-12-2019. This Faculty Development programme was funded by e-yantra IIT Bombay. Under MHRD Government of India.
- IIT Bombay e-Yantra Ideas Competition (eYIC 2019-20): Organised Regional Finals at Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering on 03-03-2020. This programme was funded by e-yantra IIT Bombay. Under MHRD Government of India.
- IIT Bombay e-Yantra Ideas Competition (eYIC 2019-20): Organised eYIC 2019-20 Exhibition at Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering on 04-03-2020. This programme was funded by e-yantra IIT Bombay. Under MHRD Government of India.
- As Faculty Coordinator conducting online webinar series on “Electrical Engineering Practices in Thermal Power Station” which has been organized by Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering (AIIE) in association with Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS) during 1st -5thJune 2020. We have received fabulous responses in terms of registrations (1233) from IITs, NITs, other reputed universities/institutes (Nirma, Amity, PDPU, IFTM, NPTI, BVM, GERMI, etc.) and from local state universities/institutes. In addition, 48 persons from various industrial sectors have also shown their interest and successfully registered for the same.
- Webinar Switchyard System Fundamentals & Maintenance by Mr. Prashant Jadhav (Dy. Gen. Manager) and Mr. Snehal S. Joshi (Addl. VP) from Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS) on June 01, 2020.
- Webinar AVR/DAVR, Energy Management System by Mr. Pramod Rege (Addl. VP) and Mr. Javed Patel (Dy. Gen. Manager) from Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS) on June 02, 2020.
- Webinar HT/LT Switchgears Maintenance and Protection by Mr. Vincy D’silva (Dy. Gen. Manager) and Mr. Sandip S Vaidya (Addl. VP) from Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS) on June 06, 2020.
- Webinar Emergency Supply System at Power Plant by Mr. Atik Khan (Dy. Gen. Manager) and Mr. Mahesh Rajput (Sr. Manager) from Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS) on June 04, 2020.
- Webinar Generator Working Principles by Mr. Santosh Sawant (Addl. VP) and Mr. Kailas R Nerkar (Addl. VP) from Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS) on June 05, 2020.
- As Faculty Coordinator conducting online webinar series on “Mechanical Engineering Practices in Thermal Power Station” which has been organized by Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering (AIIE) in association with Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS) during 8th-12th June 2020. We have received fabulous responses in terms of registrations (1074).
- Webinar Boiler Fundamentals, Constructional, Operational & Maintenance Details by Mr. Haresh Raut (Manager) from Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS) on June 08, 2020.
- Webinar Turbo-Generator Fundamentals, Constructional, Operational & Maintenance Details by Mr. Biswanth Dev (Addl. VP) from Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS) on June 09, 2020.
- Webinar Turbine Auxiliaries: Seal Oil, Seal Steam, Lub Oil, HP/LP Bypass, Condensate and Feed Water System Basic Operation & Maintenance by Mr. Paresh Parhi (Dy. Gen. Manager) from Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS) on June 10, 2020.
- Webinar Coal Handling Process: Operation & Maintenance by Mr. Subodh Kumar (Senior Manager from Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS) on June 11, 2020.
- Webinar Generator Working Principles by Mr. Hemant Bari (Dy. Gen. Manager) from Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS) on June 12, 2020.
- Conducting online THE INNOVATION MASTERCLASS with AIIH” webinar series on which has been organized at Adani Institute of Infrastructure Initiative exists to support innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Webinar Innovation and Digital Masterclass with AIIH by Mr. Prasanna Lohar Head Innovation | Digital | Architecture DCB Bank Ltd. on June 15, 2020.
- Webinar Innovation Ecosystems and Partnerships in the Middle East by Mr Sameer Sortur is the Founder & CEO of Square Circle Global, on June 28, 2020.
- Webinar Innovation The Israeli Entrepreneurship DNA by Mr. Moshe Porat, Israeli Entrepreneur & Managing Director, Mesh Labs,on July 12, 2020.
- Webinar Innovation- Stay Innovative and Connect with IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) by Mr. Jatin Trivedi, Senior Partner of Y. J. Trivedi & Co., on July 26, 2020.
- Webinar Innovation – List your IDEA on the STOCK EXCHANGE by Mr Ajay Thakur, Head – BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange) SME and STARTUP, on August 02, 2020.
- Conducting online One Week Long Faculty Development Program (FDP) at Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering Initiative with collaboration of Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS).
- Online Training Program on Condition Monitoring: Level 1 from 21/09/2020 to 25/09/2020.
- Online Training Program on Energy Management System from 02/11/2020 to 07/11/2020.
- IIT Bombay, e-Yantra Lab Setup Initiative (eLSI): Organised Two Day Workshop on “Introduction to Robotics” at Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering (Faculty Development Program) on 17-03-2023 to 18-03-2023. This Faculty Development programme was funded by e-yantra IIT Bombay. Under MHRD Government of India.
- Created platform for students at AIIH to participate in lot many events conducted by reputed institutions. As a result, many students have been participated in technical workshops, technical summits, best idea competitions, robotics competitions organized by various IITs and NITs.
- Organized Four Comprehensive One-Week Online Industrial Training Programs and One Comprehensive Four-Week Online Industrial Training Program for students, faculty, entrepreneurs & industry professionals on various field of engineering in association with Adani Dahanu Thermal Power Station (ADTPS) Near about 3060 people have successfully registered for above training programs.
- Trained newly joined GET’s of different verticals of adani group (adani green, adani infra, adani petrochemicals, adani transmission, etc.
- Mentoring Eleven Young Start-ups at AIIH:
- Punee Technocare (Mr. Meet and his team of AIIM students);
- Paintrobs (Mr. Siddhivinayak and his team of AIIE students);
- Green Paver Technology (Mr. Priyank and his team of AIIE students);
- InnoventX (Mr. Shoham and his team of AIIE students).
- iDO – Leading Innovations (Mr. Preet and his team of AIIE students).
- Let Loyalty Never Be Penalized ( Mr. Debashish and his team of EDI students)
- Narayani ( Ms. Neha and his team of EDI students)
- Prati-Dan ( Ms. Mahima and his team of EDI students)
- Tailorsfit ( Mr. Vijayanashu and his team of EDI students)
- The Health Cafe ( Ms. Prachi and his team of EDI students)
- Ultrasonic kitchen sink ( Mr. Manish and his team of EDI students)