Dr. Gourav Gill
Designation: Assistant Professor
Brief Profile:
Dr. Gourav Gill is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Adani University, Ahmedabad. He did his B.E. (Civil Engineering) and M.E. (Geotechnical Engineering) from MBM Engineering, College, Jodhpur. He completed his Ph.D. from BITS Pilani in the year 2020. Before joining Adani University, he worked at JIET Group of Institutions, Jodhpur from Feb 2021- May 2023. During his Ph.D., he extensively worked on using tire chips (12-50 mm) as a reinforcement material in shallow foundations. The pressure settlement behaviour of the prototype footings was tested under central vertical and eccentric inclined loadings conditions. The effect of parameters such as tire chip content, depth and width of the reinforced zone, equivalent relative density, gradation of sand, etc. on pressure settlement behaviour was studied. It was found that utilization of waste tire chips significantly enhanced the bearing capacity of the marginal soil. The bearing capacity increased by more than 13 times compared to the unreinforced case. The performance under eccentric inclined loads was better than the central vertical loads. He has also worked on possibly utilizing mining wastes such as copper tailings and copper slag as a structural fill, particularly in low-lying areas. He has published seven SCI journals and two Scopus publications based on his Ph.D. work.
- Ph.D.-BITS Pilani
- M.E.-MBM University, Jodhpur
- B.E.-MBM University, Jodhpur
- JIET Jodhpur ( Feb 2021- May 2023)
- ASCE Student Member
- Utilization of waste materials in Geotechnical engineering, Geosynthetics, and Ground improvement.
- Valorization of mining-related wastes in geotechnical engineering.
SCI Journals:
- Gill, G., Chaudhary, K, Mittal, R.K., Sangwan, K.S., and Arya, A. (2022) Efficient Utilization of Tire Chip Reinforced Sand for Footings Subjected to Purely Inclined Loads- An Experimental and Life Cycle Investigation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-23524-5 (Impact Factor-5.190). SCI Indexed. (Q1)
- Gill, G. and Mittal, R. K. (2021) Pressure Settlement Behaviour of Tire Chip Reinforced Sand Under Eccentric Inclined Loading. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer, 14 (13). (Impact Factor-1.827) SCI Indexed. (Q2)
- Gill, G., Mittal, R.K, and Rawat, S. (2021) Comprehensive Feasibility Study for Application of Waste Tire Chips in Enhancing the Performance of Shallow Foundations, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer, 28, 55554–55578 (Impact Factor- 5.190). SCI Indexed. (Q1)
- Gill, G., Mittal, R.K., and Dandautiya, R. (2021). Pressure Settlement Behaviour of Strip Footing Resting on Unreinforced and Tire chips Reinforced Copper Slag. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Springer, 25(1), 92-106. (Impact Factor- 2.115), SCI Indexed. (Q2)
- Gill, G., Mittal, R.K., Dandautiya, R., and Purohit, N. (2020). Sustainable Utilization of Waste Tire Chips Reinforced Copper Tailings as Structural Fill. Environment, Development, and Sustainability. Springer, 22 (5), 4845-4865. (Impact Factor- 4.080), SCI Indexed. (Q1)
- Gill, G. and Mittal, R. K. (2019). Use of waste tire chips in shallow footings subjected to eccentric loading-An experimental study. Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, 199, 335–348. (Impact Factor- 7.693) SCI Indexed (Q1)
- Gill, G. and Mittal, R.K. (2018). Sustainable Application of Waste Tire Chips and Geogrid for Improving Load Carrying Capacity of Granular Soils. Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 200, 542-551 (Impact Factor- 11.072) SCI Indexed (Q1)
Other Journals:
- Mittal, R.K. and Gill, G. (2020). Pressure Settlement Behaviour of Strip Footing Resting on Tire Chip Reinforced Sand. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Taylor & Francis Online, 14 (2), 162-168, DOI: 10.1080/19386362.2017.1408195, Scopus and ESCI Indexed (h-index-24). (Q2)
- Mittal, R.K. and Gill, G. (2016). Recent Developments in utilizing waste tires to reduce seismic earth pressures and liquefaction potential. International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering, ISSN 2319-5347, 5 (3)
- Agarwal, P., Mittal, R.K., Gill, G. (2016). Improved design procedures for ground improvement using prefabricated vertical drains. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(46), 105280. (Scopus Indexed)
- Attended and completed AICTE-sponsored online FDP “Application of Sustainable Construction Engineering for Enhancing Durability of Existing Structures” from 19th to 23rd July 2021 organized by VNIT, Nagpur.
- Attended and completed AICTE-sponsored online FDP “Sustainable Construction Technology” organized by IIT, Indore from 26th to 30th July 2021.
- Attended and completed AICTE-sponsored online FDP “Advances in Pollution Control Technologies and Sustainable Development” from 2nd to 6th August 2021 organized by MNIT, Jaipur.
- NBA overall coordinator Civil Engineering Department, JIET, Jodhpur. Successfully coordinated the entire accreditation process of the civil engineering department during the NBA visit on 12-14 August 2022.