Dr. Mani Shekhar Gupta
Designation: Assistant Professor
Academic Area: Cognitive radio networks, Autonomous vehicle, spectrum and mobility management, next generation wireless communication system and networks
Brief Profile:
Dr Mani Shekhar Gupta is Assistant Professor in Information and Communication Technology at Adani University, Ahemdabad. His expertise is in Next Generation Wireless Communication Systems and Networks and Intelligent Transportation Systems. He has over 11 years of experience in academy and research.
He has taught across Graduate and online programs at Adani University, Ahmedabad using simulations, case methods and in-class activities. He has various publications in conferences, Journals and book chapters etc. He is also an IEEE member and participated in various technical activities of different IEEE societies like Com.Soc., Signal Processing, Young Professionals etc. His current research includes cognitive radio networks, autonomous vehicles, spectrum and mobility management, next-generation wireless communication systems and networks, intelligent transportation systems and heterogeneous networking.
Prior to joining Adani University, he was associated with Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD). He was a Post-Doc Researcher at IIT Delhi, in 2021-22. He also worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, from 2011- 2017.
He holds a Bachelor of Technology degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering, a Master of Technology degree in Communication systems and networks and a PhD in Next Generation Vehicular Cognitive Radio Networks from National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (NITH), Himachal Pradesh, India.
- 2021-2022 Post-Doc from IIT Delhi. 2017–2021 Ph.D., NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India.
- 2009–2011 M.Tech., NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India.
- 2005–2009 B.Tech., UPTU, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Total- 11 Years 7 Months
- Teaching:- 5 Years 11 Month
- Research:- 5 Years 4 Months
- IEEE, IEEE Com.Soc.
- IEEE Signal Processing
- IEEE Young Professionals
- Cognitive radio networks
- Autonomous vehicle
- Spectrum and mobility management
- Next generation wireless communication system and networks
- Intelligent transportation system and heterogeneous networking.
- IoT and Green Communication and Networks
- Next generation wireless communication system and networks
- Cognitive radio networks
- Autonomous vehicle.
- IoT and Green Communication and Networks
Journal Publications:
- Mani Shekhar Gupta, Krishan Kumar, “Progression on Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey, Classification, Challenges and Future Research Issues, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier, vol. 143, pp. 4776, 2019. (SCI Indexed Journal) (Impact Factor: 7.574). (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnca.2019.06.005).
- Mani Shekhar Gupta, Krishan Kumar, “Application Aware Networks Resource Selection Decision Making Technique using Group Mobility in Vehicular Cognitive Radio Networks, Vehicular Communications, Elsevier, vol. 26, pp. 100263, 2020. (SCI Indexed Journal) (Impact Factor: 8.373). (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vehcom. 2020.100263).
- Mani Shekhar Gupta, Krishan Kumar, “AFSOS: An auction framework and Stackelberg game oriented optimal network’s resource selection technique in cognitive radio networks, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2021. (SCI Indexed Journal) (Impact Factor: 4.758) (DOI-10.1109/TNSM.2021.3109510).
- Akanksha Srivastava, Mani Shekhar Gupta, Gurjit Kaur, “Energy efficient transmission trends towards future green cognitive radio networks (5G): Progress, taxonomy and open challenges, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier, vol. 168, pp. 102760, 2020. (SCI Indexed Journal) (Impact Factor: 7.574). (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnca.2020.102760).
- Mani Shekhar Gupta, Krishan Kumar, “Group Mobility Assisted Network Selection Framework in 5G Vehicular Cognitive Radio Networks, Physical Communication, Elsevier, vol. 51, pp. 101578, 2021. (SCI Indexed Journal) (Impact Factor: 2.379) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phycom.2021.101578).
- Krishan Kumar, Mani Shekhar Gupta, Improving Connectivity of Cognitive Radio VANETs, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 0975-4024 (Online) 2319-8613 (Print), Vol. 9, No.2, pp. 969-974, 2017. (DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i2/170902128).
- Krishan Kumar, Prasoon Raghuwanshi, Mani Shekhar Gupta, Nishu Gupta, Improved Spectrum Handover scheme in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks using Backup Channels, International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJERECE), ISSN (Online) 2394-6849, Vol 5, Issue 2, pp. 40-47, 2018. (DOI: 01.1617/vol5/iss2/pid54320).
- Mani Shekhar, Krishan Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Global Mobility: The Key Enabler for Next Generation Networks (NGN), International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, (IJIEE), ISSN: 2010-3719, Vol. 2, No.4, pp. 483-487, 2012. (DOI: 10.7763/IJIEE.2012.V2.143).
- Monika, Akhil Kaushik, Mani Shekhar Gupta, Network Simulators for Next Generation Networks: An Overview, International Journal of Mobile Network Communications & Telematics (IJMNCT), Vol. 4, 2014. (DOI: 10.5121/ijmnct.2014.4404).
Conference Publications:
- Mani Shekhar Gupta, Akanksha, Krishan Kumar, Seamless Vertical Handover for Efficient Mobility Management in Cooperative Heterogeneous Networks, 2nd International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology (ICDECT-2017), Springer, pp.145-153, Pune, India, 2017. (Scopus), (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1610-4_15).
- Mani Shekhar Gupta, Krishan Kumar, Network Selection Techniques Using Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks with User Preferences, International Conference on Computational Strategies for Next Generation Technologies (NEXTCOM-2017), Springer, pp.215-225, Jalandhar, India, 2017. (Scopus) (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-6295-8_18).
- Akanksha Srivastava, Mani Shekhar Gupta, Gurjit Kaur, A Game Theory based Approach for Opportunistic Channel Access in Green Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS-2019), IEEE, pp.1-6, Goa, India, 2019. (Scopus) (https://doi.org/10.1109/ANTS47819.2019.9118105).
- Mani Shekhar Gupta, Krishan Kumar, Hitesh Tripathi, Energy Detection-based Spectrum Sensing Scheme Using Compel Cooperation in Cognitive Radio Networks, International Conference on Computational Strategies for Next Generation Technologies, Springer, pp.227-236, Jalandhar, India, 2017. (Scopus) (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-6295-8_19).
- Mani Shekhar Gupta, Sandeep Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Global Mobility: The Key Enabler for Next Generation Networks, International Conference on Network Communication and Computer (ICNCC 2011), IEEE, pp.510-515, New Delhi, India, 2011. (DoI- 978-1-4244-9551-1/11).
- Mani Shekhar, Akanksha Srivastava, Ashok Kumar, Role and Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Smart Vehicles for Intelligent Transportation Systems, 1st Online International Conference on Rebuilding Bharat With Artificial Intelligence Interventions After Covid-19 Pandemic: Opportunity and Challenges(A2ICP:2020), 2020.
- Ashok Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Mani Shekhar Gupta, Sumit Kumar, A Survey on NOMA Techniques for 5G Scenario, SSRN Electronic Journal, Elsevier, 2020. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3573579).
- Mani Shekhar, Akanksha Srivastava, Ashok Kumar, Signal Detection in MIMO-NOMA Systems Using Deep Machine Learning Approach in Next Generation Network, 1st Online International Conference on Rebuilding Bharat With Artificial Intelligence Interventions After Covid-19 Pandemic: Opportunity and Challenges (A2ICP:2020), 2020.
- Krishan Kumar, Prasoon Raghuwanshi, Mani Shekhar Gupta, Nishu Gupta, Decrement in Spectrum Handover in Cognitive Radio Networks using Unlicensed Channels, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technologies (ICETEST-18), ISBN: 97881-935941-5-5, 2018.
- Monika, Mukesh Kumar, Mani Shekhar Gupta, Mobility Management in Distributed Computing System using QualNet, International Conference on Reliability Optimization and Information Technology (ICROIT-2014), IEEE, 2014. (DOI: 10.1109/ICROIT.2014.6798316).
- Mani Shekhar, Krishan Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Seamless & Secure Mobility Management to achieve Global Mobility for Next Generation Networks (NGNs), International Conference on Communication and Signal processing ICCOS-2011.
- Mani Shekhar, Krishan Kumar, A Novel SC-FDMA approach for Transmission & Reception Data for Future Wireless Communication Networks, 1st National Conference on Next Generation Computing & Information Security, NCNGCIS, ISBN: 978-81-921148-0-4, pp. 91-97, 2011.
- Mani Shekhar, Krishan Kumar, Analysis of Two Ray Model for UWB using MATLAB, proceeding of National Conference on Evolving Ideas: Computing, Communication & Networking, ISBN:978-81-8220-410-2, 2011.
Book Chapters:
- Mani Shekhar Gupta, Akanksha Srivastava, Ashok Kumar, Green Transmission Technologies and Network Protocols, Green Communication Technologies for Future Networks: An Energy-Efficient Perspective, Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, ISBN: 9781003264477, pp. 35–50, 2022. (DOI: 10.1201/9781003264477-3).
- Ashok Kumar, Mani Shekhar Gupta, Krishan Kumar, Sumit Kumar, Utilization and Selection of Best SU Act as Relay via Cooperative NOMA (CNOMA)-Based CRNs for Next-Generation (5G) Communications. Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication, Springer, Singapore, ISBN: 978-981-16-2761-3, 2021. (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2761-3_70).
- Ashok Kumar, Mani Shekhar Gupta, Akanksha Srivastava, Energy Harvesting Relay Analysis using NOMA in Green Adhoc Cognitive Radio Networks, Green Communication Technologies for Future Networks: An Energy-Efficient Perspective, Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, ISBN: 9781003264477, pp. 51–66, 2022. (DOI: 10.1201/9781003264477-4).
- Akanksha Srivastava, Mani Shekhar Gupta, Gurjit Kaur, Impact of Artificial Intelligence to Solve Pervasive Issues of Sensor Networks of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence to Solve Pervasive Internet of Things Issues, Academic Press, ISBN: 978-0-12-818576-6, pp. 367-376, 2021. (https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818576-6.00019-8).
- Akanksha Srivastava, Mani Shekhar Gupta, Gurjit Kaur, Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Future Green Communication, Artificial Intelligence to Solve Pervasive Internet of Things Issues, Academic Press, ISBN: 978-0-12-818576-6, pp. 1-12, 2021. (https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-818576-6.00001-0).
- Akanksha Srivastava, Mani Shekhar Gupta, Gurjit Kaur, Green Smart Cities, Green and Smart Technologies for Smart Cities, CRC Press, ISBN: 978-0-42945483-7, pp. 18, 2019. (DOI: 10.1201/9780429454837-1)
For more details:
Google Scholar Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Cu3uYPQAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mani-Gupta-2
- Next generation wireless communication system and networks
- IoT
- Autonomous vehicle.
- Machine Learning and its Applications Organized by- RCPIT, Maharashtra, India, Duration-7 days (18-24 May), 2021.
- Soft Computing & Data Science Organized by- ICFAI University Jaipur, India, Duration-5 days (1-5 June), 2021.
- Emerging Technologies: Research Issues and Challenges Organized by- SVNIET, Barabanki, India, Duration-7 days (10-16 June), 2020.
- Computational Tools on Engineering & Research: Opportunities & challenges Organized by- RRIMT, Lucknow, India, Duration-7 days (1-6 June), 2020.
- Future Advancements and Applications of Internet of Things Organized by- SIEM, India, Duration-3 days (12-14 June), 2020.
- Advanced Research Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Organized by- BTKIT Almora, India, Duration-6 days (25-30 Sept), 2020.
- Machine Learning and Data Science Organized by- VDIT Karnataka, India, Duration-5 days (31 Aug-4 Sept), 2020.
- Enhancement of New Learning Tools in Management Education Through Case Studies Organized by- MIET, India, Duration-5 days (4-8 Aug), 2020.
- Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Organized by- RCPIT, India, Duration-2 days (10-11 June), 2020.
- Machine Learning & Cloud Computing Organized by- BBDEC, India, Duration-2 days (27-28 May), 2020.