Dr. Riya Mehta
Designation: Assistant Professor
Academic Area: Finance and Accounts
Brief Profile:
Dr. Riya Mehta is an assistant professor of Adani University in Finance and Accounting. She has completed her Ph.D. from the Institute of Management Nirma University in Value and Size Anomalies: A Study of the Indian Stock Market. Presently she is doing research on Proposed Implementation of Sustainable Development Ideologies and Principles in Indian, Organizational Structures, GRACIAS – Green Resolution in Academic Campuses for Intellectually Aware Sustainability, Impact of Green Smart Cities in Socio Economic Growth, Greenhouse Gas Accounting: A Bibliometric Analysis and Behavioural Perspective of Cryptocurrency – A Bibliometric Analysis.She has done her MBA with a specialization in Finance from Gujarat Technological University.
She has worked as a visiting faculty at Amity Global Business School and GLS University. Dr Riya has been awarded “Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Sanman-2012” as a meritorious student of Ahmedabad.
- Ph.D. in Finance Nirma University, 2022
- GSET in Management, 2017
- MBA in Finance, Gujarat Technological University, 2016
- BBA in Finance, Gujarat University, 2014, Student of the year (2011-2014)
- Visiting faculty at Amity Global Business School, Ahmedabad
- Visiting faculty at GLS University, Ahmedabad
- Having cleared the Gujarat State Eligibility Test (GSET) for Assistant Professor in Management subject in 2017
- Awarded “Best paper” in National Youth Summit 2017 for the paper titled “Searching Habits: An Exploratory Study of Ahmedabad Internet Users”
- Awarded ICSSR Centrally Administered Full-Term Doctoral Fellowship in the Year 2019-20.
- Financial market analysis,
- Capital market,
- Security analysis,
- Portfolio management,
- Shareholder value creation,
- Financial reporting and analysis,
- Sustainability, among others.
- Proposed Implementation of Sustainable Development Ideologies and Principles in Indian Organizational Structures
- GRACIAS – Green Resolution in Academic Campuses for Intellectually Aware Sustainability
- Impact of Green Smart Cities in Socio Economic Growth
- Greenhouse Gas Accounting: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Behavioral Perspective of Cryptocurrency – A Bibliometric Analysis
Journal Publications:
- Shah, R. (2022). Exploring and exploiting the value anomaly in Indian stock market using discriminant analysis. AIMS Journal of Management, 8(1),52-67.
- Jhaveri, C., Sood, G., & Shah, R. (2021). Efficiency Assessment of Indian Textile Units Using Data Envelopment and Regression Analysis. Indian Journal of Finance, 15(5-7), 9-25.
- Danak, D., & Shah, R. (2020). Size Effect in Indian Equity Market: Discriminant Analysis. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 17(4), 106-122.
- Danak, D., & Shah, R. (2020). Value Anomaly or Value Premium? An Innovative Approach to Examining Risk-Return Profiles Using Discriminant Analysis. Pacific Business Review International, 12(12).
- Shah, R., & Shome, S. (2019). Platform Economy: Evidence from Indian Market. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 16(1), 23-32.
- Shah, R. (2018). The Determinants Shaping Inward FDI in Indian Economy. International Journal of Management Studies, 5(4), 132-141.doi:10.18843/ijms/v5i4(9)/18.
Book Chapters:
- 2019: Testing the Causal Relationship between Energy Sector and Indian Stock Market by Himalaya Publishing House. ISBN: 978-93-5299-654-4
- 2019: The Reaction of Stock Market on stock split: A Literature Review by Excel India Publishers. ISBN: 978-93-8823-762-8
- 2018: Are Shareholders in Small Companies Exposed to Higher Risk? by McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited. ISBN: 978-93-87572-22-5
- 2018: The Long-Run Price Behaviour of Market and Securities: Empirical Evidence on Efficiency of Indian Capital Market by Excel India Publishers. ISBN: 978-93-8672-470-0
- 2018: Link between Human Capital and Foreign Direct Investment in India: Empirical Evidence from Time series data by Excel India Publishers. ISBN: 978-93-8672-469-4
- 2017: Features Exploration: Analysis of Literature on Search Engine Optimization by Excel India Publishers. ISBN: 978-93-86256-32-4
- 2017 Searching Habits: An Exploratory Study of Ahmedabad Internet Users by Himalaya Publishing House. ISBN: 978-93-5262-686-1
- 2017: Portfolio Risk and Return analysis using the Efficient portfolio frontier – An Empirical Study by Excel India Publishers. ISBN: 978-93-8625-675-1