Dr. Pratima Rai
Designation: Assistant Professor
Brief Profile:
Dr Pratima Rai is an Assistant Professor Department of Communication at Adani University. Her expertise is in the area of English Literature and Communication Skills. She has over 4 years of experience in academe.
She has been teaching Effective Technical Communication, CPDP at Adani University. She offers Soft Skills training to employees of the companies on invite. She is currently associated with H K Acharya & Company, Ahmedabad as a Soft Skills Trainer as well as a subject expert with TCSion. Her current research areas include recent trends and development in language and communication in higher education.
Prior to joining Adani University, she was associated with Sabarmati University, Ahmedabad as an Associate Professor, Winni Immigration and Visa Consultancy, Ahmedabad as an IELTS trainer and Hindustan Times, Uttar Pradesh as a Journalist.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree, MA in English, Master of Journalism and Mass Communication and a PhD degree in English literature from Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, India.
- PhD (English)— DDU Gorakhpur University, India
- Master of Journalism and Mass Communication– DDU Gorakhpur University, India
- M.A (English) -DDU Gorakhpur University, India ,
- B.A (English, Medieval History)– DDU Gorakhpur University, India
- Associate Professor at Sabarmati University, November 2018- December 2022
- IELTS Trainer- Winni Immigration and Visa Consultancy, Ahmedabad, April 2017- July 2018
- Trainee Reporter- Hindustan Times, Gorakhpur- January 2012- May 2012
- Stringer- Hindustan Times, Gorakhpur- January 2011- December 2011
- Assistant Producer- A2Z News, Karol Bagh, New Delhi, August 2009- November 2009
- Member, English Language Teachers’ Association of India (ELTAI)
- Language, Literature
Research Paper Publications
- Ms. Diptiben Macwan, Dr. Pratima Rai, October 2022, Indian English Drama and its contributions to the World Literature, published in International Journal of Research Culture Society, Volume: 6, Issue: 10. (Paper ID-IJRCS202210010). ISSN: 2456-6683 Impact Factor: 5.743 (DOIs:10.2017/IJRCS/ 202210010) Page 40-42
- Dr. Pratima Rai, Mr. Sohelmohammedkhan I. Pathan, September 2022, Understanding the Plight of Kashmiri People: A Comparative Analysis of Rahul Pandita’s “Our Moon Has Blood Clots” and Basharat Peer’s “Curfewed Night”, published in International Journal of Research in Academic World, Volume: 1, Issue: 13 (pages 27- 29), (E- ISSN: 2583- 1615, Impact Factor: 4.714 (https://academicjournal.ijraw.com/abstract?year=2022&month=September&vol=1&issue=13&refm=IJRAW-1-13-14&title=Understanding-the-Plight-of-Kashmiri-People:-A-Comparative-Analysis-of-Rahul-Pandita%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%9COur-Moon-Has-Blood-Clots%E2%80%9D-and-Basharat-Peer%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%9CCurfewed-Night%E2%80%9D)
- Momin Taibafatma Altafhusain, Dr. Pratima Rai, 2022, ‘Woman’s Image in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper’ has been published in special issue of an international multidisciplinary and multilingual research journal Harvest, volume II, Special Issue III on ‘Literature, Education and Social Sciences’ in April, 2022. (E-ISSN: 2582-9866) https://www.harvestjournal.org/special-issues-view.aspx?id=8
- Paper entitled ‘Woman’s Relation in RK Narayan’s story with real life’ has been published in an international peer reviewed referred journal SURABHI, volume 1, Issue- 60, with ISSN 2349-4557 (Impact factor- 4.2) http://www.ayudhpublication.com/download/
- Momin Taibafatma Altafhusain, Dr. Pratima Rai, 2022, ‘Nissim Ezekiel and A K Ramanujan: A Comparative Study of Content and Poetry’ has been published in E- Journal Saarth (Impact factor 4.2) volume 7, issue- 1, with ISSN no 2395- 339X in March 2022. https://www.saarthejournal.com/blank)
- Mr. Sohelmohammedkhan I. Pathan, Dr. Pratima Rai, 2022, ‘Marginalization of Women: A Critical Analysis of Our Lady of Alice Bhatti’ by Mohammed Hanif has been published in AYUDH: International Peer Reviewed Referred Journal (Impact factor: 4), Volume- 2 (Printed Copy) ISSN: 2321-2160.
- ‘Cultural Influence on Writings of Indian Writers: A Comparative Study’ has been published in ‘MOTIFS- A Peer Reviewed International Journal of English Studies’ Volume 7, Special issue on Cultural Studies November 2021 (with print ISSN- 2454- 1745; Online ISSN- 2454- 1753)
- Paper entitled ‘The Poetics of Personal Memory: A Study of A. K. Ramanujan’s Poetry’ published in volume 8 No 1, Issue No 08 of Scientific and Engineering Research Society (SERS) (ISSN No- 2250-2661) in March 2021.
- Published a paper entitled ‘A Critical Approach of Keki N. Daruwalla on Religion and Mythology’ in UGC Approved Journal International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) (E- ISSN No- 2348- 1269, P- ISSN 2349- 5138) volume 8, Issue 04, impact factor 7.17, on 11 October, 2021. (http://ijrar.org/viewfull.php?&p_id=IJRAR21D1143)
Book Chapters Publication
- Chapter entitled ‘Search for the Roots and Lost Identity in the Poetry of A.K. Ramanujan’ has been published in second volume of the journal Vijayam (ISSN No- 23208392) in March 2015.
- Presented a chapter entitled ‘Family and Personal Memory in The Poetry of A.K. Ramanujan’ and has been published in First Edition of the Book Pragmatic Approaches in The Domain of Teaching English Language and Literature from Primary to Higher Education’ published by Research Foundation of India (ISBN No- 978-93-91903-28-2) in November 2021.
Training & Certificates:
- Participated in National Livel Literary E Quiz on ‘T. S. Eliot- Remembering the Literary Celebutante organized by P G Department of English, Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Arumbakkam, Chennai on 26th September 2022.
- Certificate by King’s College, London for short term course Basic English 1: Elementary.
- Participated in the inauguration of ELTAI Reading Club organized online by ELTAI on 30th March, 2021.
- Participated in an online quiz on “English Prose in the Eighteenth Century’ organized by the Department of English, Kisan P.G. College, Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh on 9th July, 2020.
- Internship in the 21 days Summer Socio- Political Internship Program COUNTRYBUTION 2020 with the theme ‘Self Reliance Drive Leadership: Work Local and Global’ organized by Institute of Leadership and Governance, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, from 30th May to 19th June, 2020.
- 2- Day workshop on IELTS- Train the Trainer delivered by British Council from 16th to 17th March 2018.
- One Day training course for Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) Advanced Workshop organized by Pearson on 20th September, 2017 in Ahmedabad.
- One-Day training course for Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) Advanced Workshop organized by Pearson on 2nd November, 2017 in Ahmedabad.
- One-Day training program on Train the Trainer delivered by British Council on 25th July, 2017.
- Participated in one day workshop on ELT by Pearson India on 17th December, 2016.
Participation in Six and More Days FDPs/Workshops/Training Programs
- International Workshop on “7 Secrets of Mastering Effective Communication Skills in English” organized in collaboration of Bluecrest University College, Liberia and Research India Foundation on 9th October, 2022.
- 3- Day Workshop ‘Cambridge Live 2022’ organized by Cambridge from 3- 6 October, 2022.
- 2- Day Workshop on Stress Management and Discover Yourself organized by Sabarmati University, Ahmedabad from 28- 29 September, 2022.
- 7- Day FDP on ‘Research in Social Sciences: Contemporary Trends, Prespective and Pedagogy’, organized jointly by Jawahar Lal Nehru University, New Delhi and Galgotiyas University from 7th February to 11th February, 2022.
- 7- Day FDP on ‘Recent Advancements and Emerging Technologies in the Area of Education and Research’ organized by IIMT College of Management, Greater Noida, from 3rd to 9th February, 2022.
- 7- Day FDP on ‘Literary Theory’ organized by The Literary and Debating Association of the Department of English, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, from 5th to 11th January, 2022.
- 7- Day FDP on “Recent Trends in Soft Computing Techniques” organized by Sabarmati University in association with E &ICT Academy NIT Warangal, from 20th Oct. to 29th Oct.2021
- 7- Day Faculty Development Programme on ‘Latest Trends in Research in the Field of Languages’ organized by Faculty of Humanities & Liberal Arts, Pravasi Bhartiya Sahitya Evam Sanskriti Shodh Kendra & Bhasha Shiksha Kendra, Rabindranath Tagore University, Madhya Pradesh from 21st to 27th September 2021.
- 7-day international level online Faculty Development Programme on ‘Gender Sanitization’ organized by the Women’s Cell and the department of English, Barabazar Vikram Tudu Memorial College Purulia, West Bengal from 25th July to 31st July 2020.
- 7- Day Faculty Development Programme on ‘Art of Effective Teaching’ organized by Vidyajyothi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad from August 3rd to August 8th, 2020.
- Participated in a 4 –Day online Faculty Development Programme on ‘The Deep and Sweeping Vistas of Literature’ organized by PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu held from 1st July to 4th July, 2020.
- A 2- day International Virtual Symposium on ‘Implementation of National Education Policy’ organized by G. L Bajaj Group of Institutions, Mathura in association with English Language Teachers’ Association of India (ELTAI) held on 28th 29th April, 2021.